Feeding consultation

We can provide FREE and professional feeding advice for the horses of all our dear customers

What is equine nutritional consultation? 

Each horse has individual feeding/nutritional needs (depending on age, activity, current body condition, health, body weight, etc.), which in many cases are ignored or not applied correctly by most stables and horse owners. 

This can cause a serious health problems in the long term if the horses do not have access to the nutrients, vitamins, and optimal quantity and quality of feed, forage to meet their needs. 

HEVONEN can help with this, as we feed each horse according to their individual needs - this concept can help preserve the long-term health of the horses, help achieve the expected performance and even reduce the chance of developing colic and ulcers.

HEVONEN's feeding consultant is Zsófia Csonka, who has been keeping horses with her family for almost 20 years, rode for years in the Children/Junior Hungarian National Team, competed a lot at the international/national level and is currently, actively competing in the United Kingdom. In addition to her international experience in horse management, she also has qualifications obtained in the United Kingdom (Equine Nutrition level 3 diploma, TOCES Equine Exercise Physiology, Fitting and Training HE 4, Equine Nutrition HE 5, Equine Nutrition and Gastrointestinal Health (NBCAAM approved CE) certification). 

She attends continuous international trainings related to horse feeding, which are also associated with CPD (Continuous Personal Development) points in the profession. She is currently a member of the British Showjumping and British Dressage associations. Together with her family, she also participates in breeding and raising foals, so her experience is spread over several fields. she had the good fortune to ride/compete for a long time in West Yorkshire at a place where Scott Brash's broodmare stood and she was able to learn from people who are in the top in the equestrian industry. 

Zsófia's future plan is to obtain a master's degree in Equine Science, where she would also be able to conduct research. Right now, she actively involved in the horse feed development and product development - she continuously participates in meetings with equine nutritionists, vets and industry experts. Also, she often visits the manufacturing facility.   

Zsófia legutóbbi mesterdiplomáját a King's College London-on szerezte Strategic Entrepreneurship és Innovation szakon, tehát ez a tapasztalata is segít a HEVONEN startup fejlesztésében. Management konzulensként dolgozik nap-mint-nap mérnökökkel Londonban, ahol legtöbb esetben nehézipari klienseknek segít. Fontosnak tartja az innováció adaptálását a termékfejlesztésben, ami kizárólag a folyamatos tanulással és kutatással jöhet létre

A konzultáció részleteiért és bármilyen takarmányozással kapcsolatos kérdés esetén keresd fel őt vagy a HEVONEN csapatát. 

A HEVONEN segíteni szeretne minden lovon: 
